2009 has definitely been an interesting year! Not that it has been bad by any means, but just a little tough. I've heard that the first year of marriage is the hardest and they wouldn't go back to it for anything, but our first year, I would say, has been great! Here is a run down on our year.
January - I started out the year subbing for LISD and JP in the academy.
February- I got a call from the temp agency I worked the fair for saying that they had an interview for me at the City. JP started working as a dispatcher.
March - JP and I went camping at Palo Dura Canyon, on a cold, windy night. I didn't check the weather, as well as I thought, but we had a great time! We sold my truck and got a car.
April - We celebrated JP's 24th birthday. On his birthday, a horrible storm came through Lubbock, producing tornados, hail, and a lot of rain.
May - JP's family came to stay with us to watch his cousin, Ashley, graduate. I had a bad spell with migraines.
June - JP and I put a bid on a house that we had been looking at for a few months. I was finally hired on after a 3 month "trial period" at the City of Lubbock in the Purchasing department. We went to Pampa to celebrate a 50th wedding anniversary with and got to see Nanny and Pa.
July - I totaled my car in a wicked fenderbender. We closed on our house after a few mishaps.
August - We both got vehicles. JP got a 07 Ford Lariat and I got a 07 Ford Excape.
September - Daddy scared us all and we made a running trip home in the middle of the night. Thankfully he was ok, and we got to see everyone, including Tabitha and Aubrie. I got promoted to an assistant buyer and JP finished his training. Matt and Beka came to visit.
October - I worked the fair again. We got Bucky.
November - We had to say good-bye to Tucker, it was a very sad week! We got to go home the week of my birthday, 25, and see most everyone. It was our family Thanksgiving and Christmas. We celebrated our first wedding anniversary. Thanksgiving day, we went to Canyon to eat with some family.
December - We got snowed two days before Christmas, it was a REAL blizzard. There is still snow on the ground in places. Mark and Sharon came to see us the Sunday after Christmas.
I don't usually stick to resolutions, so I'm not going to make any this year. I hope everyone has a great day, safe weekend and an even better 2010.