Sunday, February 8, 2009


Hey everyone! Since we are so far away and it's hard to stay in contact with everyone, I have stolen my friend Lindsey's idea, and have decided to try to keep up a blog of things that are going on in our life in Lubbock. I will try to update it every week or sooner if something big or excited happens.
JP has a test over authorities to arrest and is the co-leader this week! He has two chances to ace it, one tomorrow morning and then again on Tuesday, so he has been studying hard! He is working so hard and I'm very proud of him!
I have been subbing away! This past week I subbed for a 1st grade class! Let me tell you they were a handful! Some of them were so sweet and others made me want to pull my hair out. It made me glad I wasn't the lady that had 8 babies this past week...added to the 6 she already had! This week I'm going to be in a high school class so maybe it will be better!
We hope everyone has a great week!


carol said...

where did J.P.'s hair go???

Lindsey said...

Yay for someone else to blog! By the way, I love your hair in that picture, it's really cute on you! I miss you!